Bile Flow – TUDCA helps remove what’s jamming your liver bile duct from flowing. Some studies show that supplementing with TUDCA can help get bile moving up to 250% more! TUDCA increases bile release but it also improves the quality of the bile itself, directly benefiting your liver cells. There is a higher amount of the bile salts for the microbes in your intestines to create more of your own TUDCA.
Mitochondria In Your Liver Tissue – When your liver bile duct is blocked, your liver starts to die from the inside out on a cellular level. When your liver can’t dump its pollutants to be hauled away by your intestines, a massive amount of free radicals are produced in your liver cells. The mitochondria of these liver cells are under attack from all the reactive oxygen species. It makes it impossible for them to do their job of folding proteins correctly. Liver cells are programmed to die once they can’t do their jobs effectively. TUDCA helps to maintain the proper folding process, reduces free radicals, and stops your liver cells from programmed cell death.
Liver Enzymes – When your liver is under high stress because of a blocked bile duct, your liver enzymes can elevate significantly. Another TUDCA benefit is lowering these liver enzymes. One study showed that even a modest TUDCA dose will lower your liver enzymes in as little as two months.
Liver Bile Duct – Your liver releases ATP into bile when it is healthy. If your liver cells are dysfunctional, they can’t fill your bile with ATP, but TUDCA helps deliver ATP into the bile liquid. This is important because ATP in the bile gives your bile duct cells added protection and prevents them from becoming damaged or scarred as the liver dumps dangerous chemicals to be taken away by your stools
Intestines – If your liver bile duct isn’t working properly, your intestine function is going to be effected negatively. Your blocked bile duct can lead to: intestinal inflammation, changed gene expression in the gut, leaky gut, altered gut microbiome, increased insulin resistance, damage and loss of microvilli. TUDCA has been researched and has been shown to help with all of these potential issues.
Additionally certain drugs can chemically alter your bile flow, bile quality, and liver enzyme count, TUDCA can significantly support your liver in these situations. We have added Choline to Tudca+ to further help support liver function.
- Liver Detoxification
- Support Liver Health
- Source of Anti-Oxidants
RECOMMENDED DOSE: Take 1 Capsule twice a day.